March 26, 2020

​I hope that you are having an enjoyable spring break. I want to take this opportunity to share information with Pittsylvania County Schools’ staff as we return to work on Monday that will help us begin to navigate the next couple of months while dealing with COVID-19 and schools being closed.

On Monday, all twelve-month staff and ten-month custodians should report to work with the exception of those who are 65 and older and those with underlying health conditions. These individuals should work from home during this time. This follows the guidance provided by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. A form will be provided to them to document their work from home.

Over the next couple of months, buildings will be locked and visitors will be required to call ahead or use the intercom to request items to be picked-up. Visitors’ access inside schools should be limited and social distancing should be maintained at all times.

Cafeteria staff will follow the same meal preparation plan that was followed last week. Mrs. Scott will be contacting cafeteria staff regarding meal preparation. This process may be revised as necessary.

Teachers will work from home and/or school preparing online and take-home instructional packets for students. Additional information will be provided next week regarding teachers work schedules, instructional packets, and the flexibility provided by the Virginia Department of Education pertaining to graduation, standard credits, promotion, make-up work, and other items. This information will be sent as an email to staff.

I thank each of you for what you are doing to continue providing learning opportunities and meals for students. If you should have a question regarding any of the contents of this announcement, please contact me. Thank you.

Dr. Mark R. Jones
Division Superintendent