403(b) Plan:  Annual Notice of Participation
Health and Dental Overview (QR code on the right side)
Anthem Health Insurance:  Rates for Employees 2024-2025
Anthem Staff Information: Aug 2024
Pierce Group Staff Information: Aug 2024
Health Savings Account Deposits 2024-2025
Delta Dental Insurance: Rates for Employees  2024-2025
Employee Assistance Program (EAP)

Pierce Group Benefits
Your Custom Benefits Website Is Now Available!

Your Benefits Website also functions as your Plan Administrator Kit with easy, year-round access to your electronic benefits guide, benefits video playlist, carrier contact information and forms, plan certificates and documents, live chat support, and much more.

Access all this information and more one of two ways: click the image above to be directed to your custom benefits website or visit the following address: www.PierceGroupBenefits.com/FindYourBenefits and enter your employer's name.
Dawn Perkins
Payroll/Benefits Coordinator

(434) 432-2761 ext. 5025
[email protected]

Pittsylvania County Schools
P.O. Box 232
Chatham, VA  24531

QR code to Health and Dental Overview