2021-23 Triennial Assessment: Wellness Policy
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Overview & Purpose 2021-2023
In accordance with the Final Rule of the Federal Healthy, Hunger Free Kids Act of 2010 and the Virginia Administrative Code: 8VAC20-740, Pittsylvania County Schools presents the 2021-2023 Triennial Assessment which includes the timeframe from 2021-2023. The Triennial Assessment indicates updates on the progress and implementation of Pittsylvania County School’s Wellness Policy and wellness initiatives, and provides required documentation of actions, steps, and information as outlined in the Final Rule. The schools included in this Triennial Assessment are: Brosville Elementary, Chatham Elementary, Gretna Elementary, John L. Hurt Elementary, Kentuck Elementary, Mt. Airy Elementary, Southside Elementary, Stony Mill Elementary, Twin Springs Elementary, Union Hall Elementary, Chatham Middle, Dan River Middle, Gretna Middle, Tunstall Middle, Chatham High, Dan River High, Gretna High, and Tunstall High.
Review the Student Wellness Policy