This week, Pittsylvania County Schools was fortunate to have representatives from "Rachel's Challenge" present at our middle and high schools.
Rachel’s Challenge was created after the Columbine school shooting to reduce violence and encourage compassion and connection in schools. It is a highly-effectively violence and self-harm prevention program with the mission of creating safer, more connected schools. It was started by the family of Rachel Joy Scott, a victim of the Columbine High School shooting, and brings healing and hope through it’s live and digitally delivered social-emotional and mental health content.
Rachel wrote about the power of kindness and compassion, and challenged her reader to, “start a chain reaction.” Her request – that we all try kindness, to see how far it can go – is the foundation of this mission.
Pittsylvania County Schools is challenging all of its students to partake in Rachel's Challenge and start a chain reaction of kindness in your school or community!